Fred S.

aka Baltimore Fred
Baltimore Fred is the degenerate gambler of the group. He has some sort of action going every day of his life. This makes him cool. Nothing deters him – not even going 0 for 14 on his first day of March Madness bets on UST 3.1. He’s been soaked to the bone by beer throwing Philly fans. He’s participated in conference calls while playing the first hole at Pebble Beach. He keeps detailed spreadsheets of every bet he’s ever made. And he once participated in Ultimate Sports Trip and didn’t tell his boss that he’d be out of the office for a few days. Fred S is a die hard. Fred S is hardcore. This is why he is on the roster for Ultimate Sports Trip. He also has the world’s most hideous golf swing.
Favourite 80's Wreslter
Koko B. Ware
Greatest Athletic Achievement
Equaling Mike McD’s epic 64 hour poker session from Rounders
Best Video Game of All Time
Favourite Action Movie
Robocop (“Dead or alive, you’re coming with me”)